Rips in the fabric of time (called black points) are appearing all over Earth and Z/X from 5 alternate futures are pouring out of them wreaking havoc and destruction! Now, 5 black points have finally appeared in Singapore and it is up to you to pick a side in order to survive or even conquer the world!

Z/X (pronounced as Zet X or Zex), Zillions of Enemies X, is a Japanese trading card game created by the Japanese company, Broccoli in collaboration with Nipon Ichi Software (of Disgaea fame). It's fast paced, tensed and exciting gameplay ensures that both players are kept on their toes as the winner is not determined until the game is over. It is played on a shared field of 3x3 grids where the player displaying superior tactical decision would proof to be the victor! It has an anime series currently in the works soon to be released.

We started this blog into order to allow Z/X tcg (Zillions of enemy X trading card game) enthusiasts in a convenient way to look for and buy cards. We are also trying to promote Z/X tcg to a wider audience by organising tournaments and special events.

If you have any inquiries or you wish to order any products, please feel free to email us at!

Monday, 9 December 2013

2nd Chitose Cup Winning Decklists!!


Green Dragon Maiden, Kuschel
B02-085 Transforming Triple Staff, Yamabuki x1
B05-081 Sweet Honeybee, Queen Bee x4
B01-086 Expert of Future, Tanpopo x4
B03-083 Beastman, Were-Hedgehog x4
E02-098 Legendary Deity, The Hundred Knights x2
E01-013 Demon of Solitude, Solitus x3
B01-080 Moonlight Funeral Fang x3
B06-085 Stealth Birdman, Were-Crow x4
B02-092 Alluring Seven-Branched Sword, Gekkakou x3
B01-092 Graceful Naginata, Ayame x3
B01-090 Tidy Lemon Balm x3
B06-097 Cherry Blossom Dragon, Noble Grove x3
B03-097 Flower Dragon, Ivy Wing x2
B06-076 Combat Corpse Ogre, Assault Corpse x4
B03-077 Ruin-Hell Dragon, Destiny Vein x4
B06-099 Combined Power x3

1st Runner Up

Raichou Suguru
B03-022 Steel Castle, Osmium x3
B02-022 Cross Sniper, Scheat x4
B01-024 Steel Castle, Technetium x4
B03-023 Evaporation Machine, Evaporation x4
E01-005 Laser Scythe, Avior x4
B06-061 Life Collector, Schlacht x4
B01-028 γ-S02 Alioth x4
B04-027 Conductor, Amadius x4
B01-032 Electronic Appliance Union, Tantalum x2 
P01-012 Steel Castle, Promethium x2
B03-033 Permanent Hidden Character, Asagi x3
B03-036 Gigantic Clock, Berkelium x3
B04-036 Sword Emperor Regalia, Cyclotron x3
B04-074 Dancing Skeleton, Skeletal Dancer x4
B05-076 Demonic Wolf Champion, Hoelscher x2

2nd Runner Up

Red Dragon Maiden, Meiral
B02-005 Handgun Craftsman, Quick Draw x1
B01-006 Goddess of Hunting, Artemis x4
B05-001 Goddess of Fate, Verdandi x4
B05-003 Queen of Warrior, Zenobia x4
B06-003 Houjou's War Princess, Kaihime x4
E01-001 Queen of Land of the Rising Sun, Himiko x4
B03-006 Goddess of Strategy, Athena x4
B06-011 Shiver Emerald, Emerald Stag x4
B06-017 Emperor Dragon, Lord Crimson x4
B04-018 Tyrant Blade, Dragonic Flare x3
B06-076 Combat Corpse Ogre, Assault Corpse x4 
B06-085 Stealth Birdman, Were-Crow x4
B02-092 Alluring Seven-Branched Sword, Gekkakou x3
E02-093 User of Water Dragon's Power, Ash x3

Friday, 29 November 2013

Winning decklist for the 2nd Strategist Cup!!


E02-024 Uniform Asagi x4
E02-025 Pajama Asagi x4
E02-026 Floating Asagi x4
E02-027 Asagi's War Preparation x1
E02-030 Expressionless Asagi x4
E02-031 Aim to Shoot, Asagi x2
E02-032 Beach Asagi x4
B03-077 Ruin-Hell Dragon, Destiny Vein x4
B06-061 Life Collector, Schlacht x4
B06-076 Combat Corpse Ogre, Assault Corpse x4
E02-065 Etna the Sharp Tsukkomi x4
B01-092 Graceful Naginata, Ayame x3
B06-085 Stealth Birdman, Were-Crow x4
E02-087 Stubborn Prinny, Asagi x4

1st Runner Up

B01-023 Cymbal Player, Strauss x1
B01-026 Erasure Machine, Void x4
B02-023 String Performer, Sariel x4
B02-030 Light Whip, Atria x4
B02-034 Castle of Science, Bismuth x1
B02-036 Super Steel Regalia, Lawrencium x4
B03-023 Evaporation Machine, Evaporation x4
B03-032 Space Fortress, Strontium x3
B03-036 Gigantic Clock, Berkelium x1
B04-035 Administrator Vega x2
B05-021 Plague Machine, Pox x4
B05-113 Laser Scythe, Avior x4
B06-030 Dozen Melody Diva, Belka x4
B06-040 Reia's Determination x4
E02-033 Vow to Overthrow Zenon, Adell x2
B06-088 Noisy Mint x4

2nd Runner Up

B03-033 Permanent Hidden Character, Asagi x2
B04-027 Conductor, Amadius x3
E02-021 High Spirited Asagi x2
E02-022 Dozing Off Asagi x4
E02-023 Cheerful Asagi x4
E02-024 Uniform Asagi x4
E02-025 Pajama Asagi x4
E02-026 Floating Asagi x4
E02-027 Asagi's War Preparation x1
E02-028 Holding a Bread, Asagi x4
E02-029 Vow to Become Protagonist, Asagi x1
E02-031 Aim to Shoot, Asagi x2
E02-032 Beach Asagi x2
E02-040 Watermelon Splitting x3
E02-101 Aim to be Protagonist! Asagi x2
P04-021 Asagi Go Fight! x4
B04-074 Dancing Skeleton, Skeletal Dancer x4

4th Place

B04-002 Goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi x4
B04-012 Stabbing Spinel, Spinel Penguin x4
B04-013 Serpent of Chaos, Yamata no Orochi x4
B05-003 Queen of Warrior, Zenobia x4
B06-005 Frivolous Three Musketeer, Porthos x2
E01-001 Queen of Land of the Rising Sun, Himiko x4
C04-005 Goddess of Hunting, Artemis x4
B02-064 Assassin Dagger of Abyss, Flame Corpse x4
B02-066 Demon of Vengeance, Ultio x1
B03-067 Girl of Illusion Path, Alice x1
B03-077 Ruin-Hell Dragon, Destiny Vein x4
B04-073 Fang Hunter, Jager x4
B05-074 Revenant, Ebony Clown x2
B06-061 Life Collector, Schlacht x4
B06-072 Devastation Dragon, Realm Razer x4

Monday, 25 November 2013

Decklist for the 4th Ayase Cup Winners

B06-104 Red Dragon Maiden, Meiral x1
B01-005 Queen of Desert, Cleopatra x1
B04-002 Goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi x4
B05-003 Queen of Warrior, Zenobia x4
B01-006 Goddess of Hunting, Artemis x4
B05-111 Queen of Land of the Rising Sun, Himiko x4
B05-040 The Cat Returns x4
B04-038 Mechanical Cannon, Dragonic Cannon x4
B04-018 Tyrant Blade, Dragonic Flare x2
B03-006 Goddess of Strategy, Athena x4
B06-006 Nine Great Heroes, Marie Antoinette x3
B06-011 Shiver Emerald, Emerald Stag x4
E02-038 Axel the A-Virus Hazard x4
P05-005 Bow-Waist Princess, Son Shoukou x4
B06-017 Emperor Dragon, Lord Crimson x4

1st Runner Up

B06-104 Red Dragon Maiden, Meiral x1
B01-005 Queen of Desert, Cleopatra x1
B06-061 Life Collector, Schlacht x3
B04-002 Goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi x4
B05-111 Queen of Land of the Rising Sun, Himiko x4
B05-003 Queen of Warrior, Zenobia x3
B01-001 Hound of Fate, Lailaps x1
B01-006 Goddess of Hunting, Artemis x4
B01-020 Main Armament, Fire! x4
B04-070 Chewing Vise x4
B01-092 Graceful Naginata, Ayame x2
B04-013 Serpent of Chaos, Yamata no Orochi x3
B06-085 Stealth Birdman, Were-Crow x4
B06-076 Combat Corpse Ogre, Assault Corpse x4
E02-093 User of Water Dragon's Power, Ash x2
B06-017 Emperor Dragon, Lord Crimson x3
B03-077 Ruin-Hell Dragon, Destiny Vein x3
B02-005 Handgun Craftsman, Quick Draw x1

Top 4

E02-P06 Flonne x1
B06-041 Evilbane, Nilkantha x4
B05-044 Holy Beast, Aura Heqet x4
B05-111 Queen of Land of the Rising Sun, Himiko x4
B01-006 Goddess of Hunting, Artemis x4
E01-013 Demon of Solitude, Solitus x2
B02-001 Flower of Warring States, Mori Ranmaru x2
B03-067 Girl of Illusion Path, Alice x4
E02-056 Angel of Avarice, Artina x4
B02-052 Volonte the Will x2
B04-013 Serpent of Chaos, Yamata no Orochi x4
B05-054 Soul Binding Angel, Lien x4
B06-052 Vague the Wave x2
E02-052 Awakening Angel, Pure Flonne x4
E02-054 Novice Angel, Lilliel x2
B03-077 Ruin-Hell Dragon, Destiny Vein x2
P05-009 Massaging Tabby x1
E02-046 Enthusiastic Flonne x1

Top 4
E02-P06 Flonne x1
E02-027 Asagi's War Preparation x1
E02-052 Awakening Angel, Pure Flonne x4
B05-054 Soul Binding Angel, Lien x4
B06-036 Original XIII Type.XI "Ze31Po" x1
B05-029 Battle Hero, Gruid x2
B05-030 Invulnerable Man, Technetium x1
B02-052 Volonte the Will x1
B05-050 Vent the Wind x2
E02-038 Axel the A-Virus Hazard x2
B04-034 Playground Union, Polonium x4
B04-049 Escaping Pixie-bob x4
B05-059 Punishment Cross x4
B05-044 Holy Beast, Aura Heqet x4
イヴァルベインニルカンタ x4
B05-113 Laser Scythe Avior x4
B03-023 Evaporation Machine, Evaporation x4
B01-045 Absconding Maine Coon x1
B05-022 Lovely Weibel x1
B05-040 The Cat Returns x2

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Winning Decklist of the fifth Azumi Cup


B01-080 Moonlight Funeral Fang x2
E01-010 Regle the Law x1
B02-045 Etoile the Star x1
B02-047 Lawbringer, Santa Cruz x1
B02-049 Creation the Genesis x1
B02-052 Volonte the Will x1
B03-023 Evaporation Machine, Evaporation x2
B03-042 Pur the Pure x4
B03-044 Puissance the Power x1
B04-041 Destinee the Fate x4
B04-046 Errer the Wander x1
B04-054 Twelve Apostles - Leo Verchiel x3
B04-056 Evilbane, K-Two x3
C03-002 Sword Liberator, Rigel x3
B05-028 Sonic Gunner, Sirius x1
B05-040 The Cat Returns x3
B05-045 Pluie the Rain x2
B05-057 Confront Order x2
B05-059 Punishment Cross x3
B05-076 Demonic Wolf Champion, Hoelscher x3
B05-115 Ciel the Sky x2
E02-047 Play in the Beach, Flonne x1
E02-056 Angel of Avarice, Artina x1
B06-058 Seek Time x2
B06-069 Licking Mimic x2

1st Runner Up

B02-064 Assassin Dagger of Abyss, Flame Corpse x4
B02-066 Demon of Vengeance, Ultio x1
B03-006 Goddess of Strategy, Athena x2
B03-067 Girl of Illusion Path, Alice x4
B03-077 Ruin-Hell Dragon, Destiny Vein x4
B04-002 Goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi x4
B04-012 Stabbing Spinel, Spinel Penguin x4
B04-013 Serpent of Chaos, Yamata no Orochi x3
B04-073 Fang Hunter, Jager x4
C04-005 Goddess of Hunting, Artemis x3
B05-003 Queen of Warrior, Zenobia x1
B05-040 The Cat Returns  x4
B05-111 Queen of Land of the Rising Sun, Himiko x4
B06-061 Life Collector, Schlacht x4
B06-072 Devastation Dragon, Realm Razer x4
B06-107 Black Dragon Maiden, Barahara x1

Top 4

B01-034 Sword Sniper, Rigel x2
B01-080 Moonlight Funeral Fang x2
B03-025 Laser Blade, Benetnasch x4
B03-067 Girl of Illusion Path, Alice x4
B03-077 Ruin-Hell Dragon, Destiny Vein x2
B04-027 Conductor, Amadius x4
B04-032 Invincible Haniwa, Honey-One x4
B04-035 Administrator Vega x1
B04-074 Dancing Skeleton, Skeletal Dancer x4
B04-023 Cyber Rapier, Alphard x4
C03-001 Kagamihara Azumi x1
C03-002 Sword Liberator, Rigel x4
B05-021 Plague Machine, Pox x4
B05-039 Overbearing Bit x2
B05-076 Demonic Wolf Champion, Hoelscher x1
B05-113 Laser Scythe, Avior x4
E02-027 Asagi's War Preparation x1
B06-023 Sword Dancer, Regulus x2
B06-036 Original XIII Type.XI "Ze31Po" x1

Top 4

E01-001 Queen of Land of the Rising Sun, Himiko x4
B02-001 Flower of Warring States, Mori Ranmaru x2
B03-006 Goddess of Strategy, Athena x3
B03-007 Ferocious Tiger's Eye Gem, Tiger Eye x3
B03-056 Lawbringer, Tirich Mir x3
B03-067 Girl of Illusion Path, Alice x3
B04-002 Goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi x4
B04-013 Serpent of Chaos, Yamata no Orochi x3
C04-005 Goddess of Hunting, Artemis x4
B05-003 Queen of Warrior, Zenobia x2
E02-006 Provoking Laharl x1
E02-010 Attacking Laharl  x2
E02-052 Awakening Angel, Pure Flonne x4
E02-054 Novice Angel, Lilliel x4
E02-056 Angel of Avarice, Artina x4
E02-P06 Flonne x1
B06-041 Evilbane, Nilkantha x4

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Cardlist and Translation sleeves inserts for Booster 6: Maiden of the Five Dragon Gods now UP!!

Booster 6: Maiden of the Five Dragon Gods is now in stock at Dueller's Point!!

Also, card list and Translation sleeves inserts for Booster 6: Maiden of the Five Dragon Gods now UP!!

Check it out now!!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Singles prices for Extra Pack 2 are up!!

Need some Singles to complete your favourite Nippon Ichi Software Character decks? Our Single prices are up now!
Come on down to Dueller's Point to get your remaining missing pieces!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Extra Booster 02: Nippon Ichi Software is now in stock!!!

Extra Booster 02: Nippon Ichi software is now in stock at Dueller's Point!! Come on down and get them!!
While Stocks last!! Dood!!

Cardlist and translation list will be up soon!!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Z/X, Zillion of Enemy X, Invasion Sunday Tournament!!

Alert! ALERT!!
Z/Xs or Zillion of Enemy X as we know them are invading Dueller's Point!
Currently, their attacks seem to follow a strict pattern: Every Sunday at about 4pm, they will pour out of the black hole at located at Buangkok.
So we at sgzxtcgonline would like to implore all brave souls to help us!!
You will be rewarded for the amount of effort in defending against the Z/Xs!!

Details as follows:

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Translation sleeve inserts for SD 3 and SD4 are out now!

Translation sleeves insert for Starter deck 3: Sword Princess of the Blue Star and Starter Deck 4: Dual Blade of the Green Dragon is out now on our blog!
Check it out here!!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

New Starter Decks Sword Princess of the Blue Star & Twin Blade of the Green Dragon is now available!!

New Starter Decks Sword Princess of the Blue Star & Twin Blade of the Green Dragon is now available at our shop at Dueller's Point!!
Come on down to get them!

Blk 450 Hougang Ave 10
Singapore 530450

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Zillions of Enemy X, Z/X tcg Teaching Clinic!!

We will be having a Z/X, Zillions of Enemy X teaching clinic at our new location this Sunday 16/06/2013!!
We will start at about 2pm!
So if you wish to learn how to play this amazing game called Z/X, come on down to our shop and try it out!
We will try our best to teach you this awesome game!
Do approach the counter if you can't find us!

Blk 450 Hougang Ave 10
Singapore 530450
Opening hours 1pm-

Check out our directions to the shop!

If you know how to play the game, do check out our tournament page for more info! There will be upcoming changes to our tournament schedule as well!

We are moving!!!

We are moving!! Come check out our new location at

Blk 450 Hougang Ave 10
Singapore 530450
Opening hours 1pm-

It is just a 10 min walk from Buangkok MRT station or one bus stop away! (Bus 27)

If you do not know how to get there, check out our directions!!

We are still in the process of moving our stocks, but the place is open for you to enjoy!!!
Air con, bright lights and a large playing area all for you!!!

Do note that we fully intend to support the Z/X community, so keep a look out at our tournament page for our upcoming tournament schedule!!

Our entrance!

Monday, 3 June 2013

Zillions of Enemy X to publish vol. 1 Manga

Z/X will be publishing the first volume of its Manga serialized in Vjump!

Each book will come with one promo

Witch of the Green Dragon!

Witch of the Green Dragon
[Activate] <Rest this unit.> Select a Z/X with less than 5 cost from your Resource and place it in reboot it in any empty normal square.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Zillions of Enemy X Lore

Wish to find out more about the world of Zillions of Enemy X?
Can't wait for the anime to come out in order to immerse yourself into the world?

Check out our newly set up Zillions of Enemy X Lore here!!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Decklist from Booster 4

Here are all of the decklist from the pamphlet found in every box of booster 4

Using only cards from Booster 4

Transformed Golden Shachihoko, Nagoyan B04-022UC x4
Cyber Rapier, Alphard B04-023R  x4
Bombarding Machine, Bombardment B04-025C x4
Apprentice Voice, Vilde B04-026C x1
Battle Hero, Markab B04-028C x4
Shock Machine, Shock B04-029R x4
Playground Union, Polonium B04-034R x4
Sword Emperor Sacred Treasure, Cyclotron B04-036SR x4
Jet-Black Lawrencium B04-040UC x4
Destinee of Fate B04-041R x4
Errer of Wander B04-046R x4
Escaping Pixie-bob B04-049R x4
Evil Bane, K2 B04-056SR x2
Heaven Ray, Gem Shine B04-059UC x3

Green White Iron Defense

Easygoing Rurijissa x4 B01-088
Tidy Lemon Balm x3 B01-090
Feuille is Always Energetic! x4 B02-100
Medical Care Marshmallow x4 B04-084
Raging Jasmine x3 B04-095
Lawbringer Distaghil x4 B01-041
Lawbringer Dhaulagiri x4 B01-046
Revenge Force x3 B01-059
Lawbringer Santa Cruz x1 B02-047
Evil Bane, Mont Blanc x4 B04-042
Evil Bane, Elbrus x3 B04-047
Evil Bane, Damavand x3 B04-050
Evil Bane, K2 x4 B04-056
Extermination Flow x2 B04-060
Incorruptible Feelings, Fierite x4 C01-002

Modified Black Red Quickstart Deck

Exploding Coal x2 B01-019
Swift Tourmaline, Tourmaline Hawk x4 B02-007
Majestic Sugilite, Luvulite Elephant x2 B03-003
Ferocious Tiger's Eye Gem, Tiger Eye x4 B03-007
Flying Amethyst, Amethyst Swallow x4 B04-004
Bizarre Coral, Coral Lizard x3 B04-010
Serpent of Chaos, Yamata no Orochi x4 B04-013
Crimson Fang Ruby Howl x4 P01-009
Chain of Death Kette x1 B01-064
Moonlight Funeral Fang x4 B01-080
Demon of Punishment, Poena x4 B02-061
Demon of Domination, Imperium x4 B02-068
Jack-o'-Lantern the Pumpkin Ghost x2 B03-063
Revenant, Dusk Axe x4 B04-062
Squeaking Cool Beauty x4 P03-010

Modified Green Blue Quickstart Deck

Castle of Science, Bismuth x3 B02-034
Pole Performer, Lavery x4 B03-021
Duel Machine, Duel x3 B03-029
Cyber Rapier, Alphard x4 B04-023
Apprentice Voice, Vilde x1 B04-026
Battle Hero, Markab x4 B04-028
Steel Castle Selenium x4 B02-007
Easygoing Rurijissa x4 B01-008
Military Emperor Sword Flash x4 B01-097
Petal Ant, Petal Soldier x4 B02-084
Vibrant Japanese Umbrella, Akizakura (Cosmos) x4 B02-095
Feuille is Always Energetic! x4 B02-100
Honest Nodachi, Hanasuou x3 B03-093
Medical Care Marshmallow x4 B04-084

Red Rush Deck

Goddess of Hunting, Artemis x4 B01-006
Empress of the Land of the Rising Sun, Himiko x4 E01-001
Style of Seigan, Okita Souji x3 E01-002
Flower of Warring States, Mori Ranmaru x4 B02-001
Goddess of Love and Beauty, Aphrodite x4 B02-004
Tyrant Parade x3 B02-019
Castle-toppling Beauty, Chousen x4 B03-001
Goddess of Strategy, Athena x3 B03-006
Courageous Bear Samurai, Sakata Kintoki x2 B03-011
Lionheart King, Richard I x4 B03-015
Goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi x4 B04-002
Nine Great Heroes, Shakespeare x4 B04-016
Tokyo Recapture Operation x3 B04-017
Holy Beast, Aura Unicorn x4 B03-047

Blue Black Deck

Cymbal Player, Strauss x1B01-023R
Space Fortress, Strontium x4 B03-032UC
Canon Tamer, Mimosa x4 B04-021UC
Transformed Golden Shachihoko, Nagoyan x4 B04-022UC
Cyber Rapier, Alphard x4 B04-023R
Battle Hero, Markab x4 B04-028C
Invincible Haniwa, Honey-One x4 B04-032R
Administrator Vega x4 B04-035SR
Revenant, Dusk Axe x4 B04-062UC
Playful Road Roller x4 B04-063R
Demon of Blade, Lamina x4 B04-066C
Demon of Shadow, Umbra x3 B04-067UC
Chewing Vise x2 B04-070UC
Skeletal Imaginary Being, Huge Golem x4 B04-072UC

Mono White Angel

Part of Fate Revolution, Liliel Saotome x1 B01-042R
Arrogant Light Wall x3 B01-057C
Ciel of the Sky x4 E01-009R
Regle of Law x4 E01-010R
Aube of Dawn x3 B02-041UC
Creation of Genesis x4 B02-049SR
Volonté of Will x4 B02-052UC
Chain Bind x2 B02-060UC
Pur of Purity x4 B03-042C
Puissance of Power x2 B03-044R
Destinee of Fate x4 B04-041R
Errer of Wander x4 B04-046R
Sterk of Strength x4 B04-053R
Twelve Apostles - Leo Verchiel x3 B04-054SR
Extermination Flow x2 B04-060R
Feirite of Pride x2 C01-002

Red Black Level Down

Demon of Misfortune Miseria x4 B01-066
Quadruped Victor, Sieger x3 B01-070SR
Demon of Solitude, Solitus x4 E01-013R
Assassin's Dagger of the Abyss, Flame Corpse x4 B02-064UC
Demon of Vengeance, Ultiō x1 B02-066R
Demon of Domination, Imperium x3 B02-068C
Demon of Arrogance, Arroganz x2 B02-071UC
Corrupted Aura x4 B02-080UC
Girl of Illusion Path, Alice x3 B03-067R
Demon of Blade, Lamina x4 B04-066C
Fang Hunter, Jager x4 B04-073R
Gold Winged Bird, Garuda x4 B02-006
Demon Wolf Fenrir x4 B02-003R
Stabbing Spinel, Spinel Penguin x4 B04-012R
Tokyo Recapture Operation x2 B04-017UC

Green Deck 

Expert of Future, Tanpopo x4 B01-086C
Easygoing Rurijissa x4 B01-088UC
Graceful Naginata, Ayame x3 B01-092SR
Sword Warrior Rindou x3 B01-094SR
Good Night x2 B01-099C
Concealed Shuriken Otogirisou(Hypericum) x4  E01-017R
Vajra of Nobility Mokuren (Mangolia) x3 E01-019R
Transforming Sansetsukon, Yamabuki(Japanese Yellow Rose) x1 B02-085R
Dignified Hairpin, Kuroyuri x4 B02-089C
Feuille is Always Energetic! x4 B02-100UC
Beastman Were-Hedgehog x2 B03-083R
Fearless Tonfa, Shakuyaku x4 B03-086R
Honest Nodachi, Hanasuou x3 B03-093R
Eight Great Dragon Kings, Utpalaka x3 B03-095SR
Eight Great Dragon Kings, Taksaka x3 B04-093SR
Duel Machine, Duel x3 B03-029R

Allure of the Five Colours

Swordsmith, Ittou x1 B01-002C
Divine Messenger of Sun, Yatagarasu x1 B01-007C
Gold Winged Bird, Garuda x1 B02-006
Ornament Craftsman, Tiara x1 B03-004R
Ferocious Tiger's Eye Gem, Tiger Eye x1 B03-007UC
Overlord Dragon, Cardinal Blade x1 B03-017SR
Mischievous Nine-Tails, Dakki x4 B04-101Z/XR
Erasure Machine, Void x1 B01-026R
γ-S02, Alioth x1 B01-028R
Stringed Performer, Sariel x1 B02-023C
Evaporation Machine, Evaporation x1 B03-023UC
Extreme Performer, Horatio x1 B03-026C
Amusement Union, Platinum Aurum x1 B03-027C
Mechanical Dragon, Drive Pinion x1 B03-037SR
Take and Run Maine Coon x1 B01-045R
Lawbringer Dhaulagiri x1B01-046R
Etoile of Star x1 B02-045R
Lawbringer Santa Cruz x1 B02-047R
Holy Beast, Aura Narasimha x1 B02-053UC
Ceramic Maker, Singapura x1 B03-041C
Holy Beast, Aura Tapir x1 B03-043R
Puissance of Power x1 B03-044R
Heaven Dragon, Holy Sky x1 B03-057SR
Wandering Head Crusher x1 B01-062C
Strike of Blade, Klinge x1 B03-062R
Headless Tank, Dullahan x1 B03-070UC
Ruin Jail Dragon, Destiny Vein x1 B03-077SR
Executioner Sickle, Scharfrichter x1 B04-068C
Seven Deadly Sins - Demon of Greed, Avaritia x1 B04-076SR
Graceful Naginata, Ayame x1 B01-092SR
Concealed Shuriken Otogirisou(Hypericum) x1 E01-017R
Rabbit Girl Were-Rabbit x1 B02-082R
Petal Ant, Petal Soldier x1 B02-084C
Laundry Beastman, Were-Racoon x1 B03-081C
Walking Stevia x1 B03-082C
Handicrafting Oregano x1 B03-087C
Grasshopper King, King Hopper x1 B03-089C
Flower Dragon, Ivy Wing x1 B03-097SR

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Booster 5: Victory Song of the Overlord!

Booster 5: Victory song of the Overlord will be released on July 25th, 2013!
Keep a look out!
Each Booster box will contain one swimsuit version player card of the ten heroes!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Quick Start Deck is now available!!

Quick Start Deck, Secret Stone of Black Flame and Lapis Lazuli Sea of Trees are now in stock!! Each deck only cost $10 each!!!
Email your orders to us at now!

Friday, 3 May 2013

Sr for Starter Decks Sword Princess of the Blue Star & Twin Blade of the Green Dragon

The Srs of the New starter decks releasing in June is revealed!!

The starter deck will also come with one shiny Wait I'll Go Now and one shiny Etoile of Star!

Sword Liberator, Rigel 
Battle Dress
[Continuous] If your Player is "Kagamihara Azumi", for each cards in your hand, this card gets Power +1000.
[Auto] During the end turn of your turn, if you only have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw a card.

The Starter will also come with one shiny Goddess of Hunting, Artemis and one Shiny Easy Going Ryujissa.

Will of Dual Sword, Rindou
[Activate] <[3 Green]> If your Player is "Aoba Chitose", put the top card of your deck into Resource as Sleep.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Zillions of Enemy X singles for sale!

Looking for a specific card in Z/X tcg?
Check out our singles page here!!

Stocks are limited! While stocks last!
So hurry and send your orders to before they are gone!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Z/X tcg booster boxes, starter decks and booster packs now for sale!!!

Want to play Zillions of Enemy X but don't know where to get them?
Worry not!
We are now selling booster boxes and starter decks at low low prices!!!
Check them out here!
Booster 4: Assault of the Black God has arrived as well! Get yours while stocks last!

Email us your orders @ !

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Translation for Booster 4: Assault of the Black God is online!

Translations of the cards from the latest set of Zillions of enemy X is now up on the blog!
Check it out here!

This set features 2 signed cards of the green world's heroes!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Decklist for Starter Deck Sword princess of the Blue Star and Twin blade of the Green Dragon!!

The decklist for the new starter decks to be released in June is out!

Sword Princess of Blue Star

C03-001 - 1x Kagamihara Azumi (Alt. Art)
C03-002 - 2x Sword Liberator, Rigel (New Card)

C03-003 - 2x Steel Castle, Astatine
C03-004 - 1x City Guard, Phecda
C03-005 - 4x Laser Scythe, Avior
C03-006 - 2x Laser Blade, Benetnasch
C03-007 - 4x Erasure Machine, Delete
C03-008 - 2x Light Whip, Atria
C03-009 - 2x Electronic Appliance Union, Tantalum
C03-010 - 4x Music Performer, Vival
C03-011 - 2x Wait, I'll Go Now! (Alt. Art)

C03-012 - 2x Ceramic Maker, Singapura
C03-013 - 2x Holy Beast, Aura Pegasus
C03-014 - 4x Etoile of Star (2x Original Art + 2x Alt. Art)
C03-015 - 2x Inept Detective, Russian Blue
C03-016 - 2x Sagesse of Wisdom
C03-017 - 2x Lawbringer, Fitzroy
C03-018 - 4x Neige of Snow
C03-019 - 2x Coucher of Sunset
C03-020 - 3x Revenge Force
C03-021 - 2x Chain Bind

Dual Blade of Green Dragon

C04-001 - 1x Aoba Chitose (Alt. Art)
C04-002 - 2x Will of Dual Blade, Rindou (New Card)

C04-003 - 2x Castle-toppling Beauty, Chousen
C04-004 - 1x Goddess of Love and Beauty, Aphrodite
C04-005 - 4x Goddess of Hunting, Artemis (2x Original Art + 2x Alt. Art)
C04-006 - 2x Divine Messenger of Sun, Yatagarasu
C04-007 - 2x One-Eyed Giant, Cyclops
C04-008 - 4x Two Wheel Craftsman, Twin Wheel
C04-009 - 2x Bizarre Coral, Coral Lizard
C04-010 - 2x Divine Emperor of Dignity, August
C04-011 - 4x Iron Shoe Craftsman, Grieve
C04-012 - 2x Main Armament, Fire!

C04-013 - 2x Quiet Rosemary
C04-014 - 4x Hidden Shuriken, Otogirisou
C04-015 - 2x Familial Sage
C04-016 - 2x Expert of Future, Tanpopo
C04-017 - 2x Easygoing Rurijissa (Alt. Art)
C04-018 - 2x Dignified Hairpin, Kuroyuri
C04-019 - 4x Thorn Bug, Thorn Crest
C04-020 - 2x Grasshopper King, King Hopper
C04-021 - 3x Thorn Prison

*credits to Dionisius Marcellius

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Translation sleeves Inserts for Starter Decks 1 & 2!!

Bought the Starter Decks for Z/X trading card game and wanna start playing but you do not know what are the cards talking about? Don't worry! We had compiled the translations for every cards in the 2 starter decks and arranged it such that you can slip them into your card sleeves. Now you can understand the cards when playing with them!

You can find the sleeve inserts here!
Just print them out, cut them and slip them into the card sleeves!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Information about the new starter decks releasing on 28/06/2013!!!

New information about the upcoming starter deck release on 28th June 2013!
They will be featuring Kagamihara Azumi - Sword princess of the Blue Star and Chitose Aoba - Twin blade of the Green Dragon.

If they follow the previous starter deck format, there will most likely be alternate cards for Sword Sniper Rigal and Sword Warrior Rindou!!

Translation for Extra Booster 1: Hero's Banquet is online!

The translated Cards List for Extra Booster 1: Hero's Banquet is now online!!
Check it out here now!!

This extra booster set provides support for some of the races in each colour...
Bravers, Angels, Diabolus, Battle Dress and Leafers.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Translation for Booster 3: Advent of the 5 Dragons is up now!

The translated Cards List for Booster 3: Advent of the 5 Dragons is now up on the blog!!
Check it out here now!!

A new mechanic, the Evol Seed is introduced in this set!

We are still in the process of building more content into the site, so check back often!!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Trailer for Booster 1: Encounter with the Parallel Worlds

Do you want to know why Z/X, Zillions of Enemy X is so amazing?

Here is a video of an advert of the first booster which show cases some of the amazing art!


Translation for Booster 1: Encounter with the Parallel Worlds is online now!

Want to play Z/X Zillions of enemy X but afraid you do not understand what the cards are saying?
Do not worry!!
We have put up a comprehensive list of translations starting with booster 1: Encounter with the Parallel Worlds.

So check them out at here!!

Translations for the other sets will be coming soon! So keep a look out!!

Translations are from

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

How to Play Z/X!?

Do you wan to play Z/X tcg but you do not know how to play it?
Want to know how is the game like?
Check out our brand new Zillions of Enemy X How to Play Page for more details!
Just click here!!
Learn all about the most exciting game of this year!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Zillions of Enemies X had arrived in Singapore!!!

Some of you may have noticed the appearance of a disturbance in Singapore, out of plain sight... You thought it was just your imagination... Now, It's happening! It's real!! More and more of such sightings... of monsters called... Z/X or Zillions of Enemy X are appearing! They seemed to be appearing from a dark portal in different location, each location producing these weird monstrosities with unique characteristics .. Mermaids... Insects... Angels... Crystal Beasts... and Demons!!!

Are you ready to defend yourself for survival!? or even use this as an opportunity for world domination!!!
Welcome to Z/X Trading Card Game... Where players use these... Z/X to do battle! Where superior tactics may triumph over brute force!

This is the world of...

More updates will be coming soon!! 

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Dragons of Begining

The Dragons of the Beginning
Common Noun / Race
The Guardians of the Present Day Earth. It is said that the "Dragons of the Beginning" exist only because the current Earth exists. The Dragons of the Beginning suddenly went dormant three years ago, as the Present began to be connected to the five different possible worlds. First of all, only one Dragon is supposed to exist in the Present World, but due to the currently abnormal situation, with Six Worlds, there are now Six Dragons of the Beginning.

Ryuu no Miko / Dragon Maiden
Proper Noun / Person
The Ryuu no Miko is entrusted...
With a Card Device to combat the Z/X...
The Ryuu no Miko prays...
"I want to fight the strangers from the otherworld"...
The Ryuu no Miko is everywhere...
The Ryuu no Miko is nowhere...
She is but a dream, yet she is real...

January 10th, 2013 Update
As the Present's Dragon of the Beginning lies in slumber, there are few ways to repel the invasions from the Futures. However, when a Dragon of the Beginning is asleep and dormant, a Ryuu no Miko is programmed to appear to defend the Dragon of the Beginning. The Ryuu no Miko begins to look all around the planet for those who would protect the world from the invaders of the various other futures.

It is possible that if the "Dragon of the Beginning" from the alternate futures are slain, that future will cease to exist and the chances of that future becoming real become 0. If the other Dragons of the Beginning disappear from the world, the Dragon of the Beginning, sleeping beneath the Japanese Islands will awaken, and sink all of Japan.

The Ryuu no Miko, unable to access most of the memories of the sleeping dragon, knows not that the Japanese archipelago will sink if the Dragon of the Beginning rewakaens. And she is unaware that she will vanish should the Dragon of the Beginning reawaken.

The other Dragons of the Beginning have finally begun to look for the Dragon of the Beginning of the present era, a fact due to the number of small dragons who have been sighted in the sky all over the world. The purpose of the other Dragons is to slay the dragon of the Present. If they can do that, they can make their future the only one that'll come to be.

"Thou, wouldst thou preserve this world?"



Ignition Kubata
Proper Noun / Person
A man in a Black Suit who often appears where Z/X and people fight for their futures. Often times he'll even fight with his own Card Device, and is no slouch himself. Yet for all that, he yells to all those fighting there: "Don't despair!", establishing him as some sort of "Mid Boss", without seeming like some sort of "Final Boss".

His favorite phrase is "What took y'all so long...?", which is a pretty blatant rip-off of Asuka's, but differs in that he tends to have a disappointed, forward-leaning stance when he says it.

Because he wears such a ridiculously gaudy mask, he's often confused for a Diabolos at first sight, but because he's been seen wearing a variety of masks, so he holds none of consistency of a Diabolos. There's also a bunch of theories why he wears it, that he's actually rather shy and timid without the mask, or he's some generic every-man who wears it to look cool and cute.

However, his true goals are a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma....

Heroic Saga

Heroic Saga Chapter 1

The Battle of Beppu Bay
Proper Noun / Heroic Saga / Red World
Kurosaki Mikado and Alexander of the Nine Great Heroes came up with a eastward campaign to seize control of Japan, and dispatched a large force towards the Kyoto-Osaka area held mostly by the White World.

On the advise of Fierite the Proud, who detected their movements early, the upper echelons of the White World deployed a mixed force of Angels and Sacred Beast from Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture to Beppu, Oita to check the Red World's forces. In order to prevent this, the Red World's forces met them at the water's edge, forming their battleline at Beppu Bay.

Many Bravers, including Alexander, struggled in vain, leading to huge casualties for the Red World. The blitzkrieg of the White World, dubbed "Sunset Intercept" paid off, putting off the Red World's invasion of the Whie World for the moment.

Mikado and Alexander lose to the Angels and Sacred Beasts, accompanied by Fierite and Asuka.

Further information can be found in Heroic Saga Chapter 1, Episode 1 "The Battle of Beppu Bay - operation: Sunset intercept". The card "Sunset Intercept", based on this event, was included in Booster Pack 3 "Advent of the Five Dragon Emperors".

The Sado Defensive
Proper Noun / Heroic Saga / Blue World
Seizing upon a chance several after the Battle of Heppu Bay, with the White World focused on Shikoku and Kyushu, Kurosaki Mikado went towards the Island of Sado, under the control of the Blue World, directing a small number of elite troops across the sea. If he could build a base there, he could easily capture the Blue World's territories from their lax Sea of Japan side. The operation was named "Crimson Invasion".

However Kagamihara Azumi and Sword Sniper Rigel were on Sado due to a top secret mission, and were able to stall until the main forces of the Blue World arrived, preventing Mikado's plans.

Azumi and Rigel win against Dignified Divine Emperor, Augustus and Mikado.

The details of this can be found in Heroic Saga Ch.1 Ep. 2 "The Sado Defensive - operation: Crimson-Invasion". A card based on this event, Crimson Invasion, was included in Booster Pack 3 "Advent of the Five Dragon Empires".

The Demon of Hatred
Proper Noun / Heroic Saga / Black World
The world's largest Black Point appeared in Tokyo. There, Odium, the demon who feasts on hatred, appeared. The other four worlds sensing this, united into an unprecedented mighty army to in order to prevent Odium's complete awakening, they entered the Black World with their own special forces of choice. This is the first time that the other worlds joined forces since the five worlds appeared.

However, the Black Army, corrupted by the powers of hatred and unafraid of death were too strong, forced the alliance to retreat. Later, Odium, fueled by further hatred,

[Demon of Hatred Odium wins against the Allied Forces of the White, Red, Blue and Yellow Worlds.]

The story is further expounded upon in Heroic Saga Ch. 1 Episode 3: "Demon of Hatred - The Abyss". This event influenced "The Abyss" card to be created in the 3rd Booster Pack "Advent of the Five Dragon Emperors".

Avenger of Tears
Proper Noun / Heroic Saga / White World
Three years ago, the parents of Kamiyugi Ayase were slaughtered senselessly by the Angels, causing her to swear revenge. Signing a contract that sold her life into the hands of Four-Legged Victor Zieger, who wields savage claws, and devoted herself to hunting angels day after day.

A ruthless Angel Killer. Unaware, she came to be known as a terrifying Z/X user.

One night, Tennouji Asuka and Fierite the Proud stood in the way of her angel killings. In spite of unwanted desires, they tried to start killing each other. The explosions and clang of blades echoed on-and-on during that dark night, terrifying the neighborhood.

The end of that battle that had their lives on the lines, resulted in a surprise ending. Realizingthe meaning behind the tears pouring down Ayase's cheeks, who had driven by wails of agony, Asuka's strong feelings were able to reach her, and all the while, Fierite repelled Zieger's claws.

For the first time in her war against the Angels, Ayase tasted defeat and had the name of Tennoji, Asuka imprinted deep within her heart.

Asuka and Fierite win against Ayase and Zieger.

You can find more information about this in Heroic Saga Chapter 1, Episode 4 "Avenger of Tears". A card based on this event, "Avenger of Tears" was released in Booster Pack 3 "Advent of the Five Dragon Emperors".

The Little Guardian
Proper Noun / Heroic Saga / Green World
Sword Sniper Rigel and Kagamihara Azumi received orders to exterminate the multiplying plants, and thus headed to the Niigata-Yamagata border, followed by the Blue World forces that helped them during the Sado Defense. As soon as they reached the boundary of the two worlds, the army encountered inhabitants of the Green World. The War of Extermination began.

The bodies of machines are far less susceptible to the corruption of plants, allowing them to attack an inexhaustible horde of plants and insects.As it chaotically fluctuated between offense and defense, a certain nameless Lycanthrope Village was swallowed up in the battle. Azumi and Rigel insisted on not harming those who couldn't fight back, and flew into a rage when this happened, and looked away in disgust as the tragedy unfolded.

Standing in the way was Aoba Chitose and Katana Warrior Rindou, and so the two duos clashed. Chitose, whose spirit leads her to help people, whether they be modern humans or Z/X from the future. would later become the bridge between two worlds, even if no one is aware of this just yet.

In the confusion, Were-Antler children gorged on the machines, and let's not forget the actions of Ignition Kubota either.

The Green Army with Chitose and Rindou wins against the Blue Army (along with Azumi and Rigel).

Further details can be found in Heroic Saga Chapter 1 Episode 5 "The Little Garden". A card based on this event, "Little Guardian" was released in "Booster Pack 3: Advent of the Five Dragon Emperors".